Lifebuoy Advertisement Review

Lifebuoy Advertisement Review

Today we will read about the new Lifebuoy advertisement review. Lifebuoy introduced a new ad in this difficult time where the whole world is facing a pandemic which is named coronavirus and fighting against it. Every responsible person and organization is trying to spread awareness among people so that people take proper precautions to fight against coronavirus. 

Lifebuoy as a responsible brand introduces a new advertisement campaign that is #Spread good habits and stay protected. In the ad, the doctor gives the message to the audience that to prevent the spread of coronavirus. wash your hand with not just lifebuoy, but any soap that's nearest to you, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Together let's help prevent the spread of coronavirus in India.

In this advertisement, the Doctor is used as a character who is giving all the guidelines because people believe what doctors say, if a doctor is giving some guidelines to fight against coronavirus, people will believe it and follow it. The most interesting thing which I like in this advertisement is that they are not Promoting their brand they are giving a public service message. Lifebuoy is thinking for the protection of the whole of India, not for the sales of lifebuoy products only. They are saying whichever soap handwash, sanitizer you have just used it, not just lifebuoy. This shows that lifebuoy thinks for society and works for society. Various other Lifebuoy advertisement reviewers said that Through this advertisement, lifebuoy created an emotional and highly positive bond with consumers.

Lifebuoy Advertisement Review- Wash Hands

World health organization (WHO) has given various guidelines for washing hands so that all can stay safe and protected and fight against coronavirus. Some of them are below:

Clean hands protect against infection

Protect yourself:
1. Clean your hands regularly.
2. Wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly.
3. Use alcohol-based hand rub.
so through advertisement Lifebuoy spread awareness among people by sharing WHO guidelines that how people can protect themself from coronavirus.
Previously also lifebuoy had done various social awareness campaign such as lifebuoy swasthya chetna through which they directed the people that how can keep their self hygienic and healthy, By 2015 the lifebuoy brand aims to change the hygiene behavior of one million consumers across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, by promoting the benefits the of handwashing with soap at the key occasion. Thereby helping to reduce respiratory infections and diarrhea disease, the world's two biggest causes of child mortality.


I appreciate the work done by lifebuoy towards the welfare of society. Earning profit should not be the only aim of any organization, they should also have the aim of social welfare, as every organization takes a lot from society so they should also give back to society. So finally my lifebuoy advertisement review is positive.

Suggested: Also Read 5 Star ad review

Please comment below what is your view on this advertisement and what is your Lifebuoy advertisement review.

#Stay home #Stay safe #Spread good habits #lifebuoyadvertisementreview

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